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Three Rivers Fire Adds New EMT-Intermediate.
June 2010
Three Rivers Fire District has recently added an EMT-I (Intermediate) to its medical staffing capabilities.
The Oregon EMT Intermediate level is the closest level of certification to Paramedic.
The EMT-I is trained in medical and trauma patient assessment and management, emergency pharmacology, IV Therapy/Bolus Medications, airway-management and ventilation, electrocardiogram (EKG) monitoring and Cardiac Arrest Management, and special considerations such as, pediatrics, geriatrics and environmental emergencies.
The district also has three students enrolled in the EMT -B course. These students should be able to come on line in mid-summer.
These volunteer emergency medical technicians of the Three Rivers Fire Department will be a great asset to the current staffing at the fire district. Their goal is to help provide twenty-four hour a day / seven day a week emergency medical services through their dedication and devotion to the citizens and visitors of the Grandview / Lake Billy Chinook surrounding area.
Crews Making Progress on the Box canyon (Indian Cove) Fire
Saturday August 27th 2011 11PM
The Box Canyon Fire (formerly Seekseequa) made good progress last light and today. The fire was at 4,500 acres this morning. Our biggest concern has been the west flank along the Metolious River. Fortunately, this fire is burning back into the Eyerly burn scar from nine years ago, reducing the fuel load and the risk. Three Rivers FD and ODF crews have been monitoring the west flank for the last two days. BIA crews were successful in putting in a dozer line west to the rim rock. Crews tied in the first 200 feet in to that line. Thus minimizing the risk of the fire jumping the river. The Box Canyon (Indian Cove) area experienced some increased activity this afternoon producing a large black column. This activity was actually in the landmark canyon, where the fire made some small runs. However this activity is up on the Metolious bench and does not really represent a risk. Crews will continue to work through the night. An engine crew continues to patrol the area. The next weather front Tuesday should help put this to bed.
The heavy, dense smoke we are experiencing is the result of the late afternoon wind shift bring in smoke from the Shitike Fire, located 1/8 mile west of the town of Warm Springs and the Antoken Fire burning on the northeast side of the Resevation.
Governor John Kitzhaber declared the High Cascades Complex fires, burning just outside of Warm Springs, a conflagration. The declaration authorized the State Fire Marshal to mobilize firefighters and equipment to assist local resources battling the fire.]\The State Fire Marshal has activated their Agency Operations Center, members of the Red IMT Command and General Staff and Task Forces from Clackamas, Hood River, Washington, and Marion County.
All of the fires that resulted from lightning strikes within the TRFD have been officially called out as of Saturday August 27th. However the district does remain in a Red Flag warning for increased lightning activity thru Sunday at 3PM.

Three Rivers Fire District Volunteer Firefighters Respond to Multiple Fires
Date: August 26, 2011
A significant lightning storm passed through Central Oregon starting Wednesday evening August 24th lasting well into Friday morning August 26. The more than 8,000 lightening strikes in Central Oregon caused numerous fires throughout the region, including inside the Three Rivers Fire Protection District service area. Three Rivers Rural Fire Protection District volunteer firefighters have responded to and extinguished six fires since Wednesday night.
There are also as many as 35 fires burning on the Warm Springs Reservation. There is an active fire, (Incident 121 of the High Cascades Complex Fire) in the area of Indian Cove. Three Rivers Fire District personnel have been working closely with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) who has crews working on this complex of fires.
As of Friday morning Three Rivers Fire District volunteer firefighters have responded to the following incidents:
8/24 11:57 p.m. Airfield Lane
Tree on fire, lightening caused, fire extinguished and confined to just the tree
8/25 7:30 a.m. Jordan Rd/Juniper Lake
Tree on fire, lightening caused, fire extinguished and confined to the tree
8/25 11:00 a.m. Fly Creek
Report of Smoke, determined to be smoke drifting across the lake from the Warm Springs Reservation fires
8/25 3:00 p.m. That Way Lane
Grass fire 80’ x 100’ in size threatening structures, extinguished with no loss to buildings, caused by a lightning strike
8/25 6:30 p.m. Winchester Ct
Approximately one acre brush fire with structures, camp trailers, and vehicles threatened. The fire, burning in dense grass and brush, was controlled at three acres by midnight. Cause is under investigation. The work done by property owners to create defensible space around buildings made these properties much easier to protect.
Three Rivers Fire District volunteer firefighters have been on constant patrol of the district looking for any other fires and continuing final extinguishment of fires that have occurred in the area. Many of these volunteers have been working around the clock to protect the fire district.
Residents are encouraged to call 911 if they see any fire or smoke in their area before attempting to extinguish it themselves. Property owners are encouraged to take the time to improve the defensible space around their homes. Go to www.lakechinookfireandrescue.org for more information on defensible space.
For continuing updates call the Three Rivers Fire District Information Line; 541-410-5077.
ELK FIRE WEST OF MADRAS THREATENS 22 HOMES Grandview Or - August 23, 2011
Firefighters made excellent progress on the Elk Fire, 5 miles west of madras, early this morning reducing the threat to residences and other structures. This progress will allow the State fire marshal task forces from Clackamas and Marion counties to turn over structural protection to Jefferson County Rural Fire District #1 at 8 p.m. tonight.
No homes were lost and there have been no reports of any injuries.
The fire started around noon yesterday, (August 22nd) from a burn barrel on property near Belmont and Elk Roads. A combination of hot, dry conditions and gusty afternoon winds caused the fire to quickly grow to nearly 100 arces and exhaust local resources. Task Force 3 which includes Three River Fire, Crooked River Fire and Warm Springs Fire and Safety were deployed immediately. Shortly after, Task forces 2 and 1 which is made up of the rest of the Fire Districts in Central Oregon, were activated. By early Monday evening, Jefferson County Rural Fire District #1 had requested additional assistance from the Office of Oregon State Fire Marshal for additional resources.
With at least 22 homes threatened by the fire Governor Kitzhaber authorized the Oregon State Fire Marshal to implement the state's Conflagration Act. This allowed the Office of State Fire Marshal to activate two task forces from Clackamas and Marion counties to assist local resources with protecting the threatened homes.

Fire Danger Level Moved to Extreme
Grandview Or - August 7, 2011
Effective August 8th at 6am, fire danger level is moved to extreme.Extreme fire weather conditions are expected through the week as an upper level ridge of high pressure will move through our district resulting in hot dry weather and very low humidity. "This past weekend, humiditiy levels fell to nearly single digits, much of the same is expected all week. Currently we are under a Fire Weather Watch for abundant lightning with the combination of dry fuels across or district" expalined Chief Colfels.
The following Fire restrictions are in place:
* Fireworks are Prohibited
* Camp Fires are Prohibited
* Burn Barrels are Prohibited
* Brush Burning Or Debris Burning is prohibited
* Use Of Motorized Vehicles, Including Motorcycles And Atv's Is Prohibited, Except On
Improved Roads
* Three Rivers Rifle Range is subject to closure on a day-by-day basis. Please call 541-410-5077 daily. Recreational Shooting - Hunting is prohibited at non-designated areas. Target shooting is only permitted at designated sites and facilities under special use permit issued by the Three Rivers Fire Chief or his designee.
• Military ammunition, Tracer, armor piercing, steel core, and Teflon ammunitions are prohibited, as is discharging a firearm at any exploding target.
* Cutting of dried and cured grass with a weed eater with plastic line is allowed. Have fire extinguisher, and water close at hand.
* Mowing of dried and cured grass with power driven equipment & use of chain saws is prohibited, between the hours of 10:00 am and 8:00 pm with a 1 hour fire watch.
* No Briquette Barbecue'
* No Open Fire Or Flame Allowed Except Propane As Follows :
- Propane Log Campfire's Are Allowed if they are registered with the Three Rivers Fire District.
Please call the fire information line at 541-410-5077 for all current fire restrictions.
Lightning strikes pose additional threats
Grandview Or - August 2, 2011
The Deadman Canyon Fire near Madras has reached 1400+ acres and is threatening homes since ignition last night during the thunderstorm over central Oregon. With over 800 lightning strikes in the last 24-hour period, central Oregon is certainly earning its nickname – Lightning Alley.
Fire season is far from over this year and Project Wildfire reminds residents in central Oregon that they are our greatest resource when it comes to protecting homes and neighborhoods. “Firefighting resources can be tied up on local emergencies and across the nation when a wildfire breaks out, so it’s up to individual homeowners to take responsibility for the defensible space around their homes,” says Kate Lighthall, Program Director for Project Wildfire.
“Historically, some of the largest fires we’ve experienced in central Oregon have occurred in August,” says Joe Stutler, Deschutes County Forester, referring to the B & B Complex, Hash Rock, Skeleton, Ashwood-Donneybrook and Smith Rock fires. “There is still time to prepare your homes and properties for any fire events that happen in late summer”.
“The greatest risk to our homes and properties during a wildland fire event is from the burning embers that can spot or drop miles ahead of an advancing fire,” adds Lighthall.
To address this threat Project Wildfire recommends the following steps that homeowners can take right now to help protect themselves against this very real threat in central Oregon:
- Clear all pine needles, weeds, leaves and flammable debris from around your home including on roofs; in gutters; near fences; and on, around and under decks – anywhere where glowing embers can ignite and spread fire to your home.
- Reduce shrubs and other “ladder fuels” around your home that can spread fire to nearby trees or structures.
- Keep grass and weeds cut to 4” or less to prevent rapid fire spread.
- Trim up trees to prevent the spread of fire to the upper branches, or “crowns”.
- Remove all dead, dying and diseased vegetation around your home – maintain healthy trees and shrubs.
- Move wood piles at least 20 feet from your home and away from combustible materials or vegetation.
- Keep driveways clear by trimming trees and cutting weeds for easy access of emergency equipment.
"Vegetation is drying quickly, and the lighter fuels like grass and shrubs can be very receptive to an ignition source," Clark said. "Everyone should make sure to extinguish cigarettes inside vehicles.