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Now Accepting Applications For:
Volunteer With Lake Chinook Fire & Rescue
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Lake Chinook Fire and Rescue is an all volunteer fire department that relies on members of the community and students to contribute their time and energy to support public safety in the district. We are always looking for new volunteers who have the interest, commitment and who want to make a difference in the community. We need volunteers interested in firefighting, emergency medical services (EMS) and support services.
If you are interested in volunteering with LCF&R, we encourage you to attend one of our Monday evening (from 5:30 PM to 8 PM) training meetings or one of our Saturday morning (10 AM to 2pm) duty sessions. They are always at Station 1301 on Lake View Dr in the Three Rivers subdivision. We recognize you may have many questions about volunteering with LCF&R and encourage you to attend one of our meetings.
What commitment must I make to volunteer with LCF&R? Volunteering with the fire service requires a greater commitment than many other types of volunteer work. There are trainings to attend, equipment to maintain and calls to respond to. LCF&R asks that active members attend 2 – 3 training sessions per month, a half-day duty session every second Saturday and respond to a resonable amount of calls.
I work during the day and cannot respond to calls from work. Many of our members have full time jobs. Some have job flexibility that allows them to respond to calls during the day and some do not. Even if you can’t respond during the normal workday we would love to have you as a member.
I have no experience in the fire service. Does LCF&R accept volunteers without prior experience? Yes, Some new volunteers come to us with prior experience in the fire or emergency medical services and many do not. We welcome you either way and LCF&R provides all of the training you will need to become a full and active member.
What Training or qualification are needed to become a a full and active member? As a new member, you will be an entry level firefighter and LCF&R provides all of the training you will need to become a full and active member. Once all qualifications are met, you will be considered for a full and active member. As Line- member, you will be required to complete your basic ICS 100,200,700 courses as well as basic wildland firefighting L180/S130/S190 satisfying DPSST WILDLAND INTERFACE FIRE FIGHTER.
I would like to volunteer for emergency medical services but am not sure I want to fight structural or wildland fires. LCF&R has members that volunteer only on the emergency medical services side, some that volunteer for fire and rescue only and some that do both. We welcome everyone.
I don’t think I want to respond to emergencies but are there other ways I can help? You bet. LCF&R is always looking for volunteers to help out with the wide variety of administrative functions that it takes to keep the fire department running. We need help with purchasing, general ledger work, call for service data entry and much more. If you’re interested in helping we can always find something that needs doing.
Does LCF&R have an age limit to be a volunteer firefighter? You must be 18 years of age to volunteer with LCF&R although we do have a cadet program for those between the ages of 16 and 18. There is no upper age limit for membership but at age 65 or older a yearly physical exam may be required. Also, please remember, the fire service requires fairly strenuous physical activity and we encourage anyone interested in volunteering to be in reasonably good physical condition.
How long does the initial training take? This varies significantly by individual including whether they have prior experience in the fire service and their willingness to attend additional trainings or duty sections. Typically, an individual coming to LCF&R without fire service experience takes approximately 6 months to be trained.
Does LCF&R supply me with all the equipment I need to be a volunteer firefighter? For the most part the answer to this question is yes. There are district issued uniforms, and Personel Protection equipment.
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